Historical Notes: in the Beginning Was the Word...

And the word was "Prosvet" — that was the name given to the Gomel Factory on June 4, 1924, which in a century would become the largest confectionery producer in Belarus. In 1931, the Factory was named Spartak. At first, the Factory produced caramels, toffees, sweets, and marmalade. By now, the list has been replenished with chocolates, muesli and candy bars, cakes, pastries, candy canes, cocoa products, cookies, and waffles. Even in the pre-war years, the Factory produced 11 thousand tons of products per year! Since then, the production volumes have increased tenfold, automated lines and dozens of new types of sweets have appeared (now there are more than 350 of them).

How Does It Work and Why Is It So Delicious?

Confectionery Factory SpartakToday the production is almost completely automated. This means that the employees do not touch the products, they just set up the installations. The global modernization of the Factory guarantees the high quality of the sweets: firstly, each candy exactly corresponds to its recipe, secondly, the probability of producing any defective products is almost eliminated, and, thirdly, the products fully comply with the sanitary standards. However, whatever one may say, the perfect taste requires a wizard's touch. The masters of Spartak do not leave all the work to be done by machines: they pack and fill the boxes of sweets, cook and decorate the cakes, pastries, and fancy chocolates by hand.

The raw materials ensure the quality of the finished products. Spartak buys unroasted cocoa beans and fully controls the conversion of raw materials and semi-finished products into the ready-made sweets. This is probably why they are so good.

Visiting a Fairy Tale

Confectionery Factory Spartak

A tour to the Confectionery Factory can hardly be called otherwise than a fairy tale. However, Spartak loves its customers and is happy to welcome them. The tour usually lasts 1 hour and 20 minutes. It is enough to explore the sanctum sanctorum of Spartak. You can visit the workshop premises, see how modern automated lines work and how chocolate, icing, and fillings for your favorite sweets are cooked, and even feel really hungry. The tour program includes tasting the products — young visitors love this part the most. By the way, to explore this wonderful world from the inside, you must be over 10 years old, persons under 18 are allowed only if accompanied by adults. The size of the tour group should be 15-44 people, including the accompanying persons. Therefore, to visit Spartak, gather a group of friends and contact the administration a couple of days in advance of the tour (the applications are accepted by e-mail).

The excursions are expected to resume in 2022.

Confectionery Factory Spartak

We hope that now you know not only what kind of treat you can bring as a gift from Belarus, but also how these masterpieces are created. However, seeing once is better than hearing or reading twice. So, next time, when you do not know where to go to get a new experience, visit Spartak and dive into the chocolate atmosphere!