About the Convent

This monastery is a stauropegial nunnery of the Belarusian Orthodox Church in Polotsk. It was founded by Saint Duchess Euphrosyne of Polotsk in 1125.

One of the most precious shrines of the convent is the famous Cross of Saint Euphrosyne, made in 1161 by master-jeweller Lazar Bohsha (the cross was lost during the Second World War, now the monastery keeps a copy of it).

Крест Евфросинии Полоцкой
The Cross of Saint Euphrosyne

This cross, as well as the relics of the holy intercessor, have become the object of worship for thousands of pilgrims who come to Polotsk every year. The cross is considered the most important symbol of Christianity, which expresses the highest sacred values: the ascension of the spirit, aspiration to God, eternity.


Through the request of Euphrosyne, the architect Ioannes built the Church of the Holy Saviour at the monastery. In the 12th century this church was painted with frescoes. The artists painted on wet plaster with paints of vegan origin, leaving their work for centuries for posterity. Next to the Church of the Saviour in 1893-1897 a huge five-domed building — the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross was erected.  There is a "warm" church to the right of the Church of the Holy Saviour.

The Convent Today

The Convent of Saint Euphrosyne, which became famous as an important centre of Belarusian Orthodoxy and spirituality, attracts many pilgrims wishing to venerate the relics of the Saint Euphrosyne and bow before the Cross, which is a sacred historical shrine and a symbol of the restoration of Belarusian spirituality.


This Convent is one of the first female Orthodox monasteries in Ruthenia (Rus’).


The Nunnery is an important monument of architecture and cultural heritage.