The horse has become an indispensable helper in the performance of agricultural, transport work and in military affairs. However, in the 20th century, the number of horses was significantly reduced with the development of agricultural mechanization, and elite horses continued to be raised only for equestrian sports.

Recently, the world’s interest in this noble animal has revived again due to, among other things, the development of equestrian sports, ecotourism and hippotherapy.

Belarus on horseback

Today, several horse breeds are raised in Belarus to meet the needs of the domestic market. These are heavydraft, lightdraft and riding horse breeds.

In Belarus, there are also breeding groups of horses of the Russian trotting breed, Shetland ponies, the gene pool of Polessye horses with unique adaptive qualities is preserved, and tarpan horses were brought from Holland to Nalibokskaya Pushcha of Belarus several years ago.

Belarus on horseback

At present, several breeding farms have been certified and are operating, the main task of which is to improve the economic traits of breeds and to meet the needs of the republic for well-bred horses. Gorodoksky Collective Farming Unitary Enterprise in the Luninets district is among them, in which two breeds of horses (Belarusian and Polessye draft horses) are raised. Children’s and youth riding school is planned to be opened at Gorodoksky CFUE.

In our country, Polessye native horses belong to a small gene pool population, so it is important to preserve and maintain the breeding stock. An initiative group has been created from among professionals in the equestrian and scientific fields - livestock engineers, biologists, geneticists, whose work is aimed at preserving local horse breeds.

Equestrian sport is actively developing in the republic, and there are horse clubs in every region. The modern concept of equestrian sports includes all types of horse events in an entertaining, gambling form and pursuing the achievement of a result evaluated according to certain rules.

Equestrian sports are available from the age of ten. Whether you want to do professional sport or simply master basic skills, such as being at home on horseback, come to a horse club to make a wish come true, where you will find a unique experience of interacting with horses and riding.

Horse Breeding Centre in the Ratomka settlement

For many years, the Republican Olympic Equestrian Sports and Horse Breeding Centre in the Ratomka settlement, Minsk region, has been the main platform for the professional training of Belarusian equestrians and horses.

It was set up in 1996 as a successor of the Republican Children’s and Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve and the Lev Dovator Stud Farm, whose history started way back in the 1960s.

Ratomka Centre hosts prestigious international and republican competitions in various types of equestrian sports on an annual basis. Today Ratomka is not only a venue for tournaments and a training base, but also a large tourist centre. Excursions, horseback riding and riding lessons, medical-purpose classes or hippotherapy are arranged here, spectacular festivals and holidays are held.


Hippotherapy is rapidly developing in Belarus. Equestrian centres and horse clubs, as well as horse breeders, offer training programs for children with serious diseases. Therapeutic riding is a recognized effective rehabilitation method in the treatment of many diseases. While interacting with horses, no negative emotions can arise: meeting and interacting with these graceful, large, strong and friendly animals bring only joy to everyone!

Horseback riding allows you to restore health and recharge the batteries, take inspiration and recreate, get the joy of interacting with horses and calm down after an intense stressful everyday life.