About the estate:

Clean air - around coniferous and mixed forests. Clean water - artesian well, near the rivers: Teryukha, Sozh; lakes: Kozheev, Kazara, Kachye. Clean products: mushrooms and berries, fruits and vegetables, herbs, eggs and meat.

Developed Infrastructure:

  • Constant transport communication (bus, marshr.cab, transfer) 2-a grocery store Café, post office, medical station
  • Flexible system of offers and discounts, taking into account the wishes and mood of guests. Participation in charity events and actions. Inclusive tourism (people and children with disabilities)

For family recreation: sports ground, children's playground "Ship", Game room, movies and games on the screen 3x2m, swimming pool, awning, terrace-danceball, barbecue area.

For companies: rustic hut "Soviet hut" design in the Soviet style with Soviet attributes and rarities. Awning, barbecue.