Sunny Bank Health Resort and Spa offers the latest medical equipment and techniques, balneary, gyms, tennis courts, an indoor swimming pool with geysers, a fountain, a cascade shower, a whirlpool, waterfalls, therapeutic bath, simulating underwater massage, a modern sports equipment, tanning salon for sun lovers, stylish single and double rooms with all the modern conveniences, including wireless internet access, a bar, cafe, professional staff, beautiful nature.
In an area of 15 hectares there are residential, industrial, recreational and therapeutic and diagnostic facilities, connected by transitional galleries. Visitors can not only restore health in the treatment complex, but also to obtain an inexhaustible source of energy and good feeling. The very name of the resort reflects the energy the area where the complex is located – it is in a beautiful corner of Belarus, on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper River, surrounded by pine forests and meadows. This place is perfect for comfortable stay and effective treatment. Anyone who has ever been in the Belarusian oil men resort knows that to enjoy effective treatment and comfortable stay one should go to Sunny Bank Health Resort and Spa.