About the Church

The stone Church of Saint Anthony was built by the order of the tsar to commemorate the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 (French invasion of Russia).

As early as 1813, the Slavinsky family, owners of Tolochin, donated 100,000 bricks for the construction of the new Catholic church. The imperial government allocated 2,000 rubles in silver, as well as the dismantled building of the former customs house, for the church's construction. However, this material assistance proved insufficient, and the work was suspended for a long time. In 1848, a committee was formed to raise the necessary funds, and after five years, the construction was finally completed.

36. Костел Святого Антония
The Church of Saint Anthony, early 20th century 

The church functioned as a parish Catholic church until the 1930s. After the Great Patriotic War (the Eastern front), the building housed a weaving workshop, a furniture store, a scale workshop, and a grain warehouse. Later, it was partially renovated to open a café and a club. In 1993, the church was returned to the faithful.

The grandeur and solidity of the church are achieved through its imposing size, concise volume, strong structural design, and its location atop the hill.

36. Костел Святого Антония
The Church of Saint Anthony today

The Church of Saint Anthony is not only a place of worship but also a center of spiritual life for the local residents. Here, believers gather for prayer, worship, and meetings with spiritual mentors. Beautiful services in Belarusian language infuse the church with a special atmosphere of warmth and spiritual contemplation, attracting both the faithful and pilgrims from afar.