
The Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Vitebsk has ancient roots related to the era of the annexation of the Principality of Vitebsk to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It was founded in the XIV century at a wooden church built on the territory of Zaruchewe (Zaruchewe Sloboda). It is interesting that the nunnery was established by Duke Algirdas' second wife, Duchess Uliana of Tver, known as Marfa after her tonsure.

After a period of oppression and the he Russo-Polish War (1654-1667), in 1697 the monastery was rebuilt, but as a Uniate-Basilian monastery. In 1796, a stone Baroque church of St John the Evangelist was built here, which was later converted to Orthodoxy.

However, by the middle of the XIX century the monastery fell into disrepair, becoming a women's prison, and then at the end of the XIX century in the walls of the monastery housed a women's school of theology.

Свято-Духов женский монастырь

The Monastery of the Holy Spirit, 20th century

After the revolution of 1917 the school of theology was liquidated, the church was closed, and in 1918 the building was given to house the provincial executive committee. In 1947 the Monastery of the Holy Spirit was destroyed. However, on 3 May 2001 it was decided to restore the convent. 

The Convent Today

Today, the Monastery of the Holy Spirit is located in the building of the Spiritual and Cultural Centre, located on Tolstogo Street, where 10 nuns live,  The complex of the reviving convent includes the Church of Saint Olga. It also provides space for the nuns' cells. A refectory and a church dedicated to the Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Duchess Olga have been built.

Свято-Духов женский монастырьThe Monastery of the Holy Spirit today

The Monastery of the Holy Spirit, pierced with prayer, spirituality and cultural heritage, invites every visitor to experience the warmth and peace that is inherent in this spiritual corner.