The first documentary evidence of the existence of the Orthodox Church of the Holy Virgin on Lysaya (Prechistenskaya) Hill, at the confluence of the Vityba and the Western Dvina, dates back to 1406. And by the beginning of the XV century there was a newly built Svyato-Uspenskij Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the dominant height in the city was called Assumption Hill. By the verdict of the Polish court on the murder of Uniate bishop Jozefat Kuntsevich, Svyato-Uspenskij Cathedral was dismantled, 20 people were executed, the city was deprived of Magdeburg law and all privileges.
After a few years Vitebsk citizens collected money and rebuilt a wooden church, but in 1629 it burned down. In 1636 a new Assumption Cathedral was built, however, after half a century, it dilapidates, the temple was completed after the partition of Poland efforts of the Russian Orthodox Governor-General Chernyshev and the civil governor Krechetov and was completed in 1777. In 1799 Assumption Cathedral by order of Paul I was transferred to the Orthodox.
The restored Assumption Cathedral in Vitebsk continues to inspire with its elegance and attractiveness. Its lancet towers, a splendid portal and a dome are not only architectural masterpieces, but also symbols of the spirituality and history of the region. This cathedral is especially charming when sunlight streams through its windows, casting a golden light on the iconostasis and walls. We invite you to visit Assumption Cathedral in Vitebsk and feel its unique atmosphere personally.
Assumption Cathedral is an Orthodox church located in the historical centre of Vitebsk on the bank of the Western Dvina River. Built in the late Baroque style, it impresses visitors with its beauty and grandeur. The Minister of Public Education of the Russian Empire, the Chief Procurator of the Synod Count Dmitry Andreyevich Tolstoy once said in 1872: ‘Learn to build temples as sturdy, light, beautiful and majestic as this temple is built!’