
The Germans prefer to prepare for Christmas in advance, carefully thinking through the Christmas menu, the list of gifts and guests. Starting on December 01, an advent calendar is created with windows filled with sweet chocolate for children. And the calendar also indicates how many days are left until Christmas. Starting on the first Sunday in December, the first of four candles is lit on a special Christmas wreath, and the rest three candles are lit on subsequent Sundays.


On Christmas night, after the church service, everyone sits down at the festive table, the oldest member of the family rings the bell and announces the start of the meal. Vegetable soup, potatoes and apple desserts are served on the table in honour of the holiday. The traditional dish of the Christmas meal is the roasted goose. And gifts for children are brought by St. Nicholas and the Angel. The Germans prefer to give each other the Christmas flower - a symbol of the holiday.


The northerners are very fond of celebrating Christmas. And the main holiday character is the kind-hearted Santa Claus, who gives gifts to everyone and is called Joulupukki in Finland. During the Christmas holidays, not only the Finns, but also guests from other countries come to fabulous Lapland, to Korvatunturi Mountain, to receive Christmas gifts from the old magician. In Finnish the name Korvatunturi means “Ear Fell”, referring to three locators located at the foot of the hill. According to local legend, these locators work like ears, capturing the wishes of all children and even adults, and then transmit these dreams and wishes to the gnomes who work in the middle of the mountain.


Like many other nations, the Finns begin to prepare for Christmas in advance. A month before the holiday, volunteer teams are formed from women who can sew and do needlework. They make clothes and toys, which are then sold at charity fairs. Men are also busy, they go to the baths with friends before the holidays.

Denmark and Norway

Denmark and Norway

There is a belief in these countries that if you feed the elf Nisse well, then you will do well all year. Therefore, Nisse is left a large portion of rice pudding on the table. And if this is not done, then the elf can steal the gifts that everyone is waiting for on Christmas morning, and deprive the house and family of favour.


The Venezuelans, like other nations, congratulate their loved ones on Christmas, prepare refreshments and attend church masses. But Venezuelans don’t go to church, they roller-skate! To do this, the streets are closed for cars on Christmas morning. Since there is no snow and ice in Venezuela, there is no way to ride real skates, so the locals have come up with such an original way. The movement to the sanctuary is accompanied by fireworks and joyful exclamations “Jesus is born!”.

Great Britain

Children write letters to Santa Claus in the hope of getting gifts that they dream of all year and send them not by mail, but through the fireplace. They believe in the UK that chimney draft is the most reliable way to deliver a letter to the North Pole. The British also believe that every family member should stir the Christmas pudding and make a wish at the same time.

Great Britain

Music, laughter, a whirlwind of holiday shopping, kiddie rides and an incredible bouquet of spices that are added to cookies and gluhwein - these are the signs of the Christmas oncoming in different countries. And cribs depicting the scene of the Christ birth are necessarily arranged at fairs.