Ecotourism is a tourist trip to specially protected natural areas to study natural heritage, interact with nature, examine cultural values ​​in the absence of negative impact on natural complexes and objects, promote the preservation of biological and landscape diversity of natural ecological systems, sustainable development of regions, as well as activities to arrange this tourist trip.

By the way, the system of specially protected areas of Belarus includes 1,338 objects, including one reserve, 4 national parks and 99 national reserves, which reveal the natural potential of the country to the maximum. Their total area is 1.9 million hectares, or 9.1 percent of the country's territory. These are ideal objects for tourism, since here a combination of rare landforms, and picturesque lakes, and observe endangered birds, plants and animals in their natural habitat can be found.

Belarusian tourism brands are known all over the world: Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Braslav Lakes, Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve, National Parks “Pripyatsky” and “Narochansky”.

Popular republican reserves: “Vygonoshchanskoye”, “Sporovsky”, “Pribuzhskoye Polesie”, “Srednyaya Pripyat”, “Krasny Bor”, “Sinsha”, “Ozery”, “Naliboksky”.

In Belarus, on the territory of reserves, national and local sanctuaries, more than 50 eco-trails operate, over 180 tourist routes have been developed and about 280 tourist camps have been arranged.

Don't miss the opportunity to explore unexplored corners of Belarus and share your impressions during the month of ecotourism. Especially since this month promises to be full of events and activities. And you have every chance to be in the spotlight.