It's time to combine rest and acquaintance with Belarusian heritage. The month of historical and cultural tourism has started in our country. The main goal is to bring travelers to rich spiritual and material wealth.

The land of Belarus has acquired many valuables over the centuries. Every year our architectural monuments attract thousands of travelers. There are a huge number of fortresses, castles, palace-park ensembles and family farmsteads, temples and monasteries, unique corners of untouched nature and ancient engineering structures, museums and ethnographic villages, as well as memorable places associated with the activities of famous people.

Boris and Gleb Church in Grodno, defense-type churches in Synkovichi and Murovanka, Kamenets tower, Savior-Transfiguration Church in Polotsk, John the Baptist Church in Kamai, Brest fortress and other facilities have world value. Mir Castle and the architectural and cultural complex of the Radziwills residence in Nesvizh have become the most popular among tourists and also were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

New points of attraction appear on the map after restoration and reconstruction. It is worth seeing how the Old Castle in Grodno and Kossovo Palace and Park Complex of the Puslovskies, Golshany Castle and the Sapegs Palace in Ruzhany, the palace and park complexes in Svyatsk and Zhilychy have been restored. In each of these places, you can plunge into the past. Thanks to theatrical excursions, quests, musical evenings, you will be transported to ancient times and meet historical heroes, learn about the peculiarities of everyday life, become participants and witnesses of battles and celebrations.

You can learn more about world and domestic masterpieces, about the past of our land in numerous museums. The leading institutions are the National Art Museum, the National History Museum, and Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War.

Not a long time ago, the list of treasure houses was supplemented by several new facilities. In Zaslavl, the Museum of Belarusian painting was opened - the only one in the country dedicated to traditional painted carpets. Among other things, you can see the works of the legendary artist Alena Kish and pictures of the famous painter, ethnographer and writer Jazep Drozdovich. The new museum also welcomes visitors in "Hatyn" memorial complex. The impressive exposition tells not only about the fate of the burnt village, but also about all the sufferings of Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War. Installations, holograms, light and sound script, historical materials - everything here works for emotional immersion in the topic.

Numerous musical and theater forums, revived national holidays, craft fairs deserve special attention. On magical Kupala days in Mogilev region, the traditional holiday "Alexandria gathers friends" will thunder. Bright stage show, performances of authentic groups, fair of folk craftsmen, tasting the national cuisine - everyone will find entertainment for themselves on the banks of the Dnieper. The International Arts Festival "Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk" will be held soon. For foreign visitors, entry to Belarus is visa-free: concert tickets will serve like a pass for them.

Unique Belarusian rites have been preserved to this day. In Pogost village, Zhitkovich district, the "Yurievsky round dance" is still held. Every year on the day of St. Yuri there is a bright event with various songs, rituals, and prayers. All activities are aimed to obtain a rich harvest and offspring. This unique tradition is included in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO. The authoritative list also includes the winter rite-carnival "Christmas Tsars" in Kopyl district and "Budslav festival" in Myadel district. You can also join these events.