We will try to highlight the top-rated tourist attractions in all this enhanced diversity, they are also called the landmarks of the region.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha (Bialowieza Forest)

The legendary Belovezhskaya Pushcha is considered one of the oldest nature reserves in the world. This unique natural area uniting Belarus and Poland is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha (Bialowieza Forest)

A network of automobile, cycling, and walking tourist routes, as well as ecological trails, among which you can choose those that are up your alley and needs, has been developed for you to get acquainted with its sightseeing attractions. While walking through a true relic forest, which is already thousands of years old, you will most likely meet roe deer, deer, and bison. You can get acquainted with those tenants of the wood, that you haven’t got a chance to meet, in the modern Museum of Nature and in enclosures. The estate of the Belarusian Grandfather Frost (Ded Moroz) attracts both little and adult visitors to the forest reserve all year round.

Address: Kamenyuki agrotown, Kamenetsky district, Brest region.

Ruzhany castle

The castle on a high hill in Ruzhany was once not only a magnificent palace with a brilliantly conceived arrangement and architecture but also a place where important political issues were resolved.

Ruzhany castle

Today, the former residence of the magnate family of Sapieha, which holds many secrets and stories, is mostly destroyed. But the ruins are still beautiful and impressive in their scope. The palace is currently undergoing restorative renovations, and a museum is open. During a tour of the museum, you can learn not only about the history of this castle but also about the significance of the Sapieha magnates in the historical past of your native land.

Address: 15a Urbanovich St., Ruzhany settlement, Pruzhany district, Brest region.

Kossovo castle

The castle in Kossovo, which is one of a kind in Belarus, was built in the 19th century in a neo-Gothic style. The former Puslovsky Palace is called the “dream of a knight” and it is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful in our country. The construction of the palace was initiated by Kazimir Puslovsky, and the large-scale construction with 12 towers and 132 rooms was completed by Casimir’s son, Vandalin Puslovsky.

Kossovo castle

Years later, the palace was looted, and during the Great Patriotic War, it was set on fire by partisans so that it would not get into the enemy’s hands. And only at the beginning of the 21st century, a large-scale reconstruction began in Kossovo. In the autumn of 2017, the Puslovsky Palace welcomed the first visitors in many years of desolation.

The guides will acquaint you with the history of the castle, and tell a fascinating legend that there was a glass floor in the central room of the castle, under which there was an aquarium with exotic floating small fish, and at night the owners unleashed a domestic lion to prevent theft among the servants. Also, visit the estate of our world-famous fellowcountryman Thaddeus Kosciusko.

Address: 108, T. Kostyushko St., Kossovo, Ivatsevichy district, Brest region.

Brest Fortress

The Brest Fortress is one of the most important memorial complexes of World War II and bears the proud title of “Hero Fortress”.

Brest Fortress

The heroic glory of the bastion fell on the period from June 22 to the end of August 1941. It was the Brest Fortress that became the first target of Hitler’s troops. For a long time, the soldiers of the Red Army managed to resist and not surrender the fortress to the enemy.

You can visit the museum in the memorial complex, which contains the belongings of the defenders, letters that never reached the addressees, and diaries of participants in those terrible events. You can order a tour of the Brest Fortress.

Address: 60 Heroes of Brest Fortress St., Brest.

In the city of Brest, it is worth walking along the pedestrian Sovetskaya Street, where you can watch the work of a lamplighter who lights retro lanterns of Tsarist times in a unique environment and make a wish that will surely come true!

Take a break and give yourself an unforgettable opportunity to get acquainted with the sights of the Brest region!