Do you know when agroecotourism was born in Belarus and why rural tourism has its advantages? Its most important feature: to enjoy rural tourism, you do not need to wait for a vacation - 2-3 days are enough to go on a short trip and discover unique and interesting Belarus. But the most interesting question, when did it appear? Well-known fact: the direction has been rapidly developing since 2006. Although, the prerequisites were created much earlier: river rafting, excursions and hikes, ecological and rural agrarian tourism have been popular among tourists for many years.

How is agrotourism developing now? As at mid-April, 1,290 homesteads were registered in Belarus. In 2023, more than 450 thousand people visited them. The number of foreign tourists exceeded 19 thousand - these are guests from 43 countries. By the way, citizens of the Russian Federation show great interest in recreation in Belarus. The remaining 95.7 percent are domestic tourists.

The popularity of domestic tourism is really impressive. To some extent, it is possible to say that the farmsteads of Belarus have become a high-quality alternative to hotels. There is a logical explanation for that. First, they do not look alike; secondly, a unique set of services is provided; thirdly, every corner of Belarus has its own unique beauty and an impressive agrotourism program.

Taxes to the budget as a result of the activities of farmsteads in 2023 reached 1.025 million Belarusian rubles against 838 thousand in 2022. At the same time, it should be noted that the principle of taxation for homesteads that have been re-registered and meet the requirements still totals 1 base amount per month.

Great work has been done in this direction. This is evident from the quality of services provided and the level of service. Colleagues from the Russian Federation are looking closely at the Belarusian experience, where the commitment to the ideas of agroecotourism, laid down at the beginning of the path.

Very often the question arises: how can a tourist find out about the attractions of the area where he is currently resting? The National tourism agency deals with the solution of this issue. A router has been created on the website, which not only helps the tourist plan a trip from point "A" to point "B", but also selects the appropriate type of tourism. Along the laid route, all current information with the indication of facilities is presented. The list of interesting places is constantly updated. You will also find out where the most beautiful places in Belarus are situated and why is agroecotourism so useful.

In addition, the website of the National tourism agency has all information about Belarusian certified tour guides. The information is freely available for everyone. You can contact these people and order a tour of the necessary facilities. If we are talking about cultural tourism, the Academy of Sciences has also created an application with voice support "Krokapp": come closer to the facility - and they tell in Belarusian or Russian what it is, when it arose, what history is connected with this facility.

Also the National tourism agency constantly makes printed products for each type of tourism.

Stay with us and you will learn everything about the latest news and events, which are held in Belarusian tourism sphere!